Last updated almost 2 years ago. What is this?

'Culture space' is a term denoting the dynamic, evolving arena where the collective norms, beliefs, practices, and shared understandings of a group emerge and interact. It encompasses the intangible dimensions of human sociality, including the narratives, rituals, artifacts, and symbols through which identities are shaped and interrelated. Within a culture space, individuals and communities engage in a continuous process of meaning-making, negotiating and re-negotiating their roles, relationships, and worldviews. This conceptual realm is not static but is perpetually influenced by the interplay of historical context, technological advances, and novel paradigms. Thus, a culture space reflects both the heritage of past interactions and the innovative potentials of future ones, serving as the substrate on which social coherence and collective intelligence are built and sustained.

See also: collective intelligence, game theory, possibility space, participatory knowing, mental health

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